
About Natturangel

about natturangel 1

I am Angela, a Brazilian, public employee since 2005, I graduated in Management Processes, just because of my work. I have always been passionate about natural treatments, herbal, essences and all this naturalistic world. And I am currently graduating in Integrative and Complementary Therapies.

A summary of what Natturangel is:

The purpose of the blog is to share information and opinions, sometimes scientifically based, other times based on popular wisdom and millenarian knowledge, since, unfortunately, not everything is deeply researched because not everything is interesting ($$$) from the academic and pharmaceutical point of view.

I do not advocate or criticize any health treatments, nor do I recommend specific diets because I am not a medical authority or nutritionist. Nor will I prescribe here natural remedies or any kind of treatment.

My goal is to inform about trends in natural health, diet, supplementation, weight loss, alternative treatments ~ herbal medicine, music therapy, aromatherapy, chromotherapy, etc ~ and enter a little in the world of Compementary Therapies (my area of studies).

In short, here you will read about:

#Functional and intelligent food
#Natural remedies and popular wisdom
#Home solutions for domestic problems
#Natural strategies for weight loss
#Popular diets, pros and cons
#TeasNatural supplementation
#Herbal remedies... and more!